Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oranssi Pazazu- Muukalainen Puhuu

The problem end of year lists is there are so many albums released during any given year that one can only give a very small percentage of them a fair listen. I just found this slice of finnish prog black metal that came out last year, and it is a piece of unmatched goodness, totally epic blackened space prog. I mean what else would you expect from a black metal album with an astronaut on the cover and a band logo shaped like a bird?! 2009 album of the year!!!


1. Korppi
2. Danjon Nolla
3. Kangastus 1968
4. Suuri Pää Taivaasta
5. Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Teatterin Rukoilijasirkka
6. Dub Kuolleen Porton Muistolle
7. Muukalainen Puhuu
8. Kerettiläinen Vuohi


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